The Washington Association of Land Trusts connects and leverages the work of its 34 members organizations to advance policies and programs that protect and restore the lands that sustain us.


Land trusts partner with communities across the state to conserve land for future generations – but success hinges on robust public funding and effective policy tools. In the face of increased development, population growth, and a changing climate, it is now more important than ever to support policies and programs that will ensure our farms, forests and shorelines continue to contribute to Washington’s economy, culture and landscape.
Washington’s legislative session began on January 13th, 2025. To find more information on bills and committee hearings, visit our Action Alerts. To learn more about our priorities, read the WALT 2025 Policy Platform

WALT urges the State Legislature to allocate $26.4 million to fully fund RCO’s Community Forest Program. Community-based forestry, in which residents are actively included in the development, governance, management and use of working forest land, can bring substantial benefits to health and wellbeing, generate local jobs and economic activity, enhance wildlife habitat, increase recreational access, and support climate resilience and mitigation. Funding the full ranked list of 10 Community Forest projects would protect over 16,6000 acres of working forestland.

WALT supports the WA State Conservation Commission’s request for $4 million to continue the recently established, successful Farmland Protection and Land Access program to address an urgent, critical gap to protect farmland, support affordable access for new and historically underserved farmers, and strengthen food systems across Washington.

WALT supports the creation of a WA Prescribed Fire Claims Fund. As our state grapples with wildfires that are growing hotter and burning longer, forestry experts have identified the need to use prescribed fire to reduce risk to communities and restore forest health. A Prescribed Fire Claims Fund would be a state pilot to support insurance liability coverage for qualified practitioners using prescribed fire or cultural burning to reduce wildfire risk. Liability risk has proven to be one of the biggest barriers to getting more beneficial fire on the ground in our state (see a recent 2023 DNR report: Washington Prescribed Fire Barriers Assessment Report and Strategic Action Plan).

WALT urges the legislature to establish a competitive Shrub-steppe Conservation Grant Program managed by the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO). In 2021, Washington State initiated the Shrub-steppe Restoration and Resilience Initiative (WSRRI) to restore, protect, and grow shrub-steppe ecosystems. This new Shrub-steppe Conservation Grant Program directly supports those efforts by preserving priority shrub-steppe habitats, focusing on land connectivity, promoting biodiversity, and sustaining working lands through conservation easements and fee simple acquisitions.

The Washington Association of Land Trusts urges the passage of the 2025-2027 State Budget with funding at or above historic levels for natural resource programs and to maintain the integrity of rankings in funding competitive grant programs. See the priority programs we support below. Items are Capital Budget unless Operating is indicated.

WA Recreation & Conservation Office

  • Community Forest Grant Program ($26.4M) 
  • Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program ($150M) 
  • Salmon Recovery Funding Board ($205M Capital + $25M in riparian)
  • Estuary and Salmon Restoration Program ($27.5M) 
  • Puget Sound Acquisition and Restoration Program ($109.1M)
  • Planning for Recreation Access ($5M)
  • Washington Coast Restoration and Resiliency Initiative ($16.7M) 
  • Aquatic Lands Enhancement Account ($3.6M) 
  • Green Community Schoolyards Grant Program ($10M)
  • No Child Left Inside ($4M Operating)

WA Conservation Commission

  • Farmland Protection and Land Access Program ($4M)
  • Voluntary Riparian Grant Program ($25M)
  • Regional Conservation Partnership Program Match ($15M)
  • Voluntary Stewardship Program ($4M)
  • Washington Shrub-steppe Restoration and Resiliency Initiative ($5M)

WA Department of Natural Resources

  • Trust Land Transfer ($30M)
  • Teanaway Loan Repayment ($10M Operating)
  • Post-Wildfire Response ($7.6M Operating)

WA Department of Fish and Wildlife

  • Invest in Lands Stewardship ($10M Operating)
  • Restoring Washington’s Biodiversity ($14.3M)
  • Forest Health ($2M Operating)

WA Department of Ecology

  • Floodplains by Design ($84M)
  • Centennial Clean Water Program ($80M)
  • Yakima Basin Integrated Plan ($59M Operating)

Bills We Support

  • HB 1563/SB 5491 – Establishing a prescribed fire claims fund pilot program
  • SB 5567 – Expanding secondary training for careers in natural resources and conservation
  • SB 5203Ensuring Connectivity for Washington Wildlife Through Safe Passages
  • HB 1631 – Establishing a State Marine Forest
  • HB 1641/SB 5385Forest Land Excise Tax