Call-for-Projects for Pacific Northwest Resilient Landscapes Initiative (OR, ID and WA)

Deadline: September 13, 2021 at 5:00 pm Pacific Time

Launched with support from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, the Pacific Northwest Resilient Landscapes Initiative (RLI) permanently protects lands in Oregon, Idaho and Washington that can help nature and people remain resilient in a changing climate. The Initiative is a partnership of three community foundations — Oregon Community Foundation, Seattle Foundation and Idaho Community Foundation — with the Land Trust Alliance and the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation.

Please consult the 2021 RLI Call for Projects or review the Grant Application Guidelines.

The total amount to be granted will depend on the outcome of ongoing fundraising efforts, which continue through the end of 2021. Based on current trends, we expect to award at least $200,000 and potentially as much as $1,000,000. Please enter your project information by 5pm (Pacific) on September 13, 2021. If you are uncertain whether your project is a good fit, please reach out in advance to Owen Wozniak (call Five-Zero-Three 460 Seven-Zero-Four-Five or email owozniak at

Process for 2022
To minimize the amount of upfront work required by land trusts to submit a project, the process will be as follows:

  1. Lands trusts supply basic project information (please consult the 2021 RLI Call for Projects) to the Land Trust Alliance via a secure online grant interface.
  2. Alliance staff, with support from our science contractor, will do a preliminary analysis of each project’s fit relative to the Nature Conservancy’s (TNC) climate resilience data sets and other relevant data sets.
  3. Projects that best meet resilience criteria will be asked to provide a full application by October 22 (tentative, final date TBD). The Land Protection Committee, composed of experts in conservation, climate science, funding, and land protection, will evaluate the applications.
  4. At the beginning of 2022, when the amount of available funds is finalized, the Land Protection Committee will recommend grant awards.