52 Week Countdown to Save LWCF Kicks off in Washington

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Washington’s own Senator Maria Cantwell joined colleagues today in D.C. to double down on the effort to reauthorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) before it expires in one year.

For 52 years, the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) has protected wildlife habitat, parks, recreation areas and working lands across the nation. But unless Congress acts, in less than 52 weeks, it could be gone forever. Gone along with it will be the future protection for the places we love.


The Time to Act is Now

Washington’s land trusts, working with community leaders, have relied on LWCF to help protect some of our most important places. From the I-90 wildlife bridges and trails along the Mountains to Sound Greenway, to working forestland on the flanks of Mount St Helens, to popular family destinations like Lake Chelan National Recreation Area, we all enjoy LWCF protected sites.

LWCF does all this without using any taxpayer dollars – it is funded with revenues paid to the government from offshore oil and gas drilling. This is a critical investment in priorities for local communities – from drinking water, to wildlife habitat, to working farms and forests, to parks and hiking trails.

Outdoor recreation, conservation and historic preservation activities contribute more than $26.6 billion to Washington’s economy, supporting over 200,000 jobs.
Unlike many issues in Congress, LWCF enjoys strong bipartisan support. Especially as our state faces unprecedented growth, access to the LWCF funds is critical to protect our forests, streams, and mountains.

But these investments require certainty and consistency. Securing permanent funding and reauthorization for LWCF is one sure way Congress can work together to get good things done for everyone across the country.


Join us to #SaveLWCF

WALT has joined with the national LWCF Coalition to kick off a 52-week countdown until LWCF’s impending expiration on September 30, 2018. The #SaveLWCF initiative will highlight the successes on the 52nd year of LWCF in 52 places in states and territories over the next year.

The countdown kicks off in Washington state! Join us on social media with the hashtag #SaveLWCF to urge Congress to act NOW to reauthorize LWCF.

And contact today!


On social media? Here are some suggestions for Twitter and Facebook:
  • WA’s National Parks, wildlife habitat, local playgrounds are depending on Congress to #SaveLWCF. Only 52 weeks left – it’s time to act!
  • We only have one year til our most important conservation program expires. Congress must act to #SaveLWCF!
  • 52 years of conservation success, 52 amazing places to highlight, 52 weeks to #SaveLWCF. Week 1: spotlight on WA!
  • From the Yakima River to Mt. Rainier, from the Gorge to the PCT, LWCF protects the places we love. 52 weeks to #SaveLWCF!
  • #SaveLWCF to save where Washingtonians play outside. Contact your representatives:
  • #SaveLWCF to save Washington’s scenic places to hunt and fish. Contact your representatives:
  • #SaveLWCF to save Washington’s clean water. Contact your representatives:
  • For 52 years, #LWCF has protected special places across Washington. But in 52 weeks, this vital conservation and recreation program could be lost forever. Congress needs to #SaveLWCF by reauthorizing this program and protect our outdoors for future generations.
  • In Washington, outdoor recreation brings in over $26.2 billion each year and is vital to our communities’ well-being. We must #SaveLWCF to protect the places where we play outside.
  • LWCF has funded parks big and small across Washington state, including fishing sites along the Yakima River and public access along the Pacific Crest Trail. Did we mention it doesn’t use any taxpayer dollars? #SaveLWCF to save our parks!
  • Start the countdown: one year until the most important US conservation law expires. Congress must act to #SaveLWCF
  • No LWCF, no [pick one: Trails, National Parks, National Forests, etc…]. Congress must #SaveLWCF to save our [choice from above]!
  • Our public lands give access to all Americans, from backyard to backcountry, the time to #SaveLWCF is now!

Need some visuals? Feel free to share some photos from our beautiful state.