Together, growing the land conservation pie


Washington’s per capita natural resource investment has been declining for decades, and we see that as a fundamental threat to our quality of life and that of future generations. Working together with statewide partners and donors, we are always pushing for new sources of capital that are focused on the needs of  practitioners and the current realities of on-the-ground land conservation.


So what are these funding opportunities?

Collaboratively developed by WALT, the Washington State Conservation Commission and the Washington State Housing and Finance Commission, FarmPAI is focused on supporting more equitable access for farmland. Specifically, FarmPAI is a revolving loan program that quickly provides low-interest capital to land trust organizations to secure high-priority farmland, protect it for the future, and facilitate a transition to beginning and/or historically underserved producers. FarmPAI is in the final stages of development, and information about how to apply will be shared here when it is available.
WALT has served as a key advisory voice and lead advocate for the brand-new FPLA program. Currently operating in a pilot phase with a $2M allocation from the state legislature, FPLA would provide funding for agricultural conservation easements to help support affordable land access in tandem with the FarmPAI loan program through buy-protect-sell transactions. The program guidelines are currently in active development but more information will be linked here when it is available.
With WALT advisory support and the generosity of a visionary donor, the North Central Washington Community Foundation administers the WOF. Specifically, WOF is a program that provides low-interest $500K loans to nonprofit conservation organizations to help them protect key wildlife and habitat values while increasing their organizational impact. WOF is in the final stages of development and information about how to apply will be shared here the moment it is available.
With WALT serving as a key leadership voice and the backbone advocate, the Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) formally established and received funding for CFP in 2021 pursuant to a state legislative proviso. This innovative program provides funds for a variety of public and nonprofit entities to purchase working forestland and manage it for economic, ecological, and social benefits according to the needs of the local community. For more information about CFP and how to apply, click here.